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Conventional Medicine and Homeopathy

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I was recently drawn to an article from Homeopathy Plus in which they featured a study on patients treated with homeopathic medicine for various illnesses over a period of time and tracked their progress.

People often wonder about the differences between conventional medicine and homeopathy. Below is a comparison which will give you a general idea.



​Treat patient's difficult symptoms by controlling or surppressing symptoms. Without the medicines, the symptoms for many illnessses, especially chronic or autoimmune, will return. The undelying cause has most often not been treated.

​The Homeopathy is like a detective, gathering every symptom the patient has at present along with symptoms he has experienced in the past. The Homeopath attempts to discover where the flow of energy (chi/vitality) has been blocked. Each symptom and its particular characteristic are clues to help guide the Homeopath to a remedy which will remove the obstacle to cure by stimulating the body\s own curative powers.

Illnesses occur as the result of an invasion by an outside source, such as viruses, germs or bacteria.

​Illnesses result when physical, emotional, or spiritual stresses become overwhelming thereby weakening the body. The inability to process these stresses leaves the person susceptible to the disrupting influence of disease agents, such as viruses.

It is crucial to know the diagnosis, because the tretnent is prescribed according to the diagnosis.

It is important to know the characteristic symptoms of the individual, which are present regardless of where the disease has localized in the body, therefore it is not crucial to know the diagnosis.

Removal of symptoms is the ideal of cure, while the disease itself remains untreated.

​Removal of symptoms along with the disease and restoring health is the ideal of cure.

​Medicines are chosen for there opposite effect from the symptoms they are meant to treat. For example, laxatives for constipation or anti-depressants for depression.

Homeopathic medicine: medicines are chosen for their similarity with the presenting symptoms of the patient, to work with the immune system and not against it.

Frequent repetition of the medicine, because the primary action of the controlled doses lasts only a few hours.

​One dose affects the vitality or immune system on the way to recovery.

Crude or large doses that work on a chemical level.

​Homeopathic medicine: Medicines work at an electromagnetic level. Infinitesimally small doses at the sub-molecular level are just enough to initiate a reaction, like switching on a light.

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Marcia Sikes

Certified Classical Homeopath

229 Main Street

 Hamburg, NY 14075


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       Disclaimer: This website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnose illness, or in any way an attempt to  practice medicine.  It is not intended to replace                                              personal medical care from a licensed health care practitioner.

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