Dear Marcia,
Here it is 2 years after my 101 year old father’s fall. I thought you might like to share his story with some of your other patients, to let them know that even in very critical situations, homeopathy can work miracles.
At Thanksgiving 2 years ago, my then 99 year old dad, went out to walk our 80 pound Golden Retriever. As Lucifer yanked on the leash, down my father went on the sidewalk breaking his right femur just below the hip joint. Within the hour he was in hospital with the terrifying prognosis that, statistically due to his age, the likelihood of survival was less than 5%.
He needed surgery but his physician felt surgery was much too risky. My dad was in
shock and acting kind of spacey. He was alert and oriented but not very responsive or cooperative. Even when he was well he was very stubborn. He refused all the breathing exercises to help prevent pneumonia. Dad was sinking very quickly; he had a gray pallor, blue lips, and his chest had a pronounced rattle. He didn’t even have the strength to cough. The family was told pneumonia had set in and in a day or 2 it would all be over.
That is when I called you and you prescribed a remedy right out of my first aide kit…Antimonium Tartaricum. Normally, because he was ‘dying’ hospitals will not allow medication from the outside to be administered. Because he was dying, the nurse let me put 3 pills under his tongue and I repeated it 3 hours later. I couldn’t help noticing her rolling her eyes at the nurses aide.
Long story short, by that evening his lungs were clear and after 3 months of rehab my dad was back at home being a royal pain to my 90 year old mom.
Thank you so much for your help! Happy Holidays to you and yours,
Meg McGowan, West Seneca, NY
Dear Marcia,
The timing of this remedy couldn’t have been better. As office politis worsen, I’m able to roll withj it, more or less, much better than I would I have done a few months ago.
All the best,
Janice W., Kenmore, NY
Dear Marcia,
I am writing to tell others how homeopathic treatment was a life changer for me. I am a local musician who could never get over paralyzing stage fright. I had tried tranquilizers, anti-anxiety medication and hypnosis; nothing worked. Though I didn’t think anything could help me, I finally decided to try something different. For days prior to a performance, I would become literally sick with anxiety. Marcia, you are a wonderful homeopath and have helped me tremendously. My biggest fear was having a panic attack on stage but now I actually have fun performing. Once in a while I get a little nervous just before going on stage so I take my homeopathic remedy and I am fine. Buffalo,NY
I don’t know if you remember me but I am the guy you saw a year ago with acne on my face that caused me a lot of embarrassment at work. I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you again for solving a problem I had had for a number of years. No one else could give me relief for this acne except you. I am really a big supporter of homeopathy.
John R. Springville, NY.
Good morning Marcia,
This is a short note bringing you up to date on my daughter, Edith. She continues to gain ground and Marc (my husband) is really coming around to believe in homeopathy. Edith’s tantrums have almost ceased and I will be ever grateful to you for quickly defusing a serious escalating problem when she was out of control.
Fondly, Mary Sue S., Buffalo NY
Dear Marcia,
Thank you so much for your help with Megan. It was nerve wracking to know I had to take her in to have her foot taken care of. Megan is “sensitive” (I’d say allergic!) to all things artificial-colors, fragrances, preservatives and most things petroleum derived. It has “cleaned up” our lives and made the whole family healthier. Modern medicine is absolutely loaded with artificial junk and preservatives. Homeopathy has definitely helped us. I thank you so much for being there for us.
Again, thank you,
Amy (and Megan), W. Seneca, NY
You perform a wonderful service to humanity. I could never figure out my own remedy. I so appreciate your help.
Sonya, Eden NY
Dear Marcia,
Words cannot express how grateful I am to you for all you have done for me. Looking back to where I was and knowing where I am now is amazing and I could not have progressed so quickly without your help and support.
Thank you, you are a very special person and the world is a better place with you in it.
You have helped me become happy and healthy. Thank You!
Irene, Buffalo, NY
I was diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder 15 years ago when I was 20 years old. I had some happy times but mostly I hid in my room hating myself and my life. I dreaded seeing the sun came up in the morning because then I would have to face my husband and he would know what a loser he had married Mostly, I felt worthless and the 300 mg. of Zoloft did little to lift my depression. My sister literally dragged me to see you, and you were so kind and supportive. I was given a remedy which caused an immediate change. The remedy must have done something to balance my biochemistry. I began sleeping soundly and, for the first time in years, felt “normal.” My doctor couldn’t believe it. I have referred friends to you and they have had success as well.
Elizabeth S. Kenmore, NY
Thank you, thank you, Marcia! My fibromyalgia pain is at least 75% better.
Edith R. Amherst, NY
I just wanted to update you on Nathan. Just like you said his eczema would leave from the upper part of his body first. Sure enough his face, neck, chest and back are completely clear. There’s still some redness and itching on the top of his foot but every day it gets lighter. It’s amazing how 3 little ills could be powerful!
Barbara J. Batavia NY